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What Is a Yellow-Dog Contract

A yellow-dog contract, also known as a yellow-dog agreement, is a type of employment contract that prohibits employees from joining a union or participating in union activities. The term “yellow-dog” refers to the idea that workers who signed such agreements were considered “yellow” or cowardly for not standing up for their rights.

Yellow-dog contracts were commonly used in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in industries such as mining, manufacturing, and transportation. Employers used these contracts as a way to maintain control over their workforce and prevent unionization, which they saw as a threat to their bottom line.

The use of yellow-dog contracts was eventually outlawed in the United States under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which guarantees workers the right to organize and bargain collectively. Today, such contracts are considered illegal and unenforceable.

Despite their illegality, some employers still try to use similar tactics to prevent workers from unionizing. For example, they may use intimidation tactics or threaten to fire workers who express interest in joining a union. However, workers who face such tactics have legal protections under the National Labor Relations Act and can file complaints with the National Labor Relations Board.

In conclusion, yellow-dog contracts were a harmful tool used by employers to prevent workers from organizing and advocating for better working conditions. While they are now illegal, it is important for workers to be aware of their rights and to speak out against any attempts to undermine those rights. By standing together and advocating for their rights, workers can ensure that they are treated fairly and with respect in the workplace.